2033 11th St.
Washington, DC 20001
This registration is for our in-person, Worship Services and Special Events. Registration in advance is required to attend. When registration is full, please plan to attend online. Please only RSVP for yourself or individuals within your own household. For mobile phones, scroll to the bottom to RSVP.
Hello TAB Family and Guests!
We desire to meet in-person to enjoy God’s presence and our presence together. We are doing this in a way that incorporates best practices for safety.
Our in-person service includes the following:
Entering through the front entrance on 11th Street and exiting through both main and side doors
Practicing social distancing at all times (even during praise and worship). We will mark available seating in the sanctuary to allow proper social distancing for individuals and families.
Wearing a mask at all times for those over 2 years old (if you don’t have one, a disposable masks will be provided to you)
Greet your friends with a wave or "air" hug to avoid contact. Please, no high fives, fist bumps, or elbow bumps.
Hand sanitizer stations are located throughout the building. We will offer hand sanitizer as you enter.
We will check the temperature of everyone prior to entry. Please worship virtually and don't attend in-person services if you have a fever or aren't feeling well.
Fellowshipping before and after service should be at a minimum and outdoors
Please sign up for online giving via text to give, givelify, cash app, www.ctcoginc.org, or feel free to drop your envelope in the giving box located in the back of the church, or mail your offering to 2029 11st St NW, Washington DC 20001.
Areas will be sanitized before use, including restrooms, door handles, and hand contact surfaces
Until further notice, there will be no youth zone offered although children are welcome to attend service.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at execpastor@ctcoginc.org
Our current safety and social distancing guidelines temporarily limit the number of people who can worship with us in-person in the sanctuary to 50 persons. We are grateful to you for your patience and understanding. Your online participation, giving and service has been exemplary and we are thankful for you and your family.
Christian Tabernacle Church of God
2033 11th St.,
Washington, DC 20001
Phone. 202-265-8111
Email. info@ctcoginc.org